Reports Overview




According to the materials of the 25th international conference and exhibition CIRED





“Ensto Rus”, LLC






“Rosseti Tyumen”





Glazunova A.M., Aksaeva E.S. (Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk)


Control of measurements quality is aprocess of classifying measurements into valid and erroneous. The paper presents a method developed for detecting gross errors in the measurements with low redundancy. These are the measurements of active power generation from a wind farm and active power flow in a line connected to this farm. An induction generator is installed at the wind farm. The method involves acomparison of the estimates of injections that are obtained for the PQ and RX models of an induction generator in the state estimation problem. Provided there are no errors in the measurement these estimates coincide.

electric power system, wind farm, measurements, rough errors, state estimation


Sidorova V.T., Rokina E.G., Rokina А.G.(Mari State University, Saransk)


The paper presents the results of investigation related to zero and negative sequence voltage unbalance factors, when compensating reactive power in individual phases of 0.4 kV electrical networks. Voltage unbalance factors were calculated before and after reactive power compensation. The calculation of zero and negative sequences was carried out using known approximate formulas. According to analysis of obtained results, the values of zero and negative sequence voltage unbalance factors can be reduced when compensating reactive power. This leads to energy losses reduction and can be taken into account as an additional positive contribution to the reduction of total electricity losses during reactive power compensation.

reactive power compensation, zero sequence voltage unbalance factor, negative sequence voltage unbalance factor


Boev M.A., Hein Myatt Ko (NRU «MPEI», Moscow)


Presents the results of tensile tests, tracking resistance, the impact of aeolian vibration self-supported optical cable of the brand of OSD, designed for intraregional communications. Cables are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications. In this paper, we investigate for the construction of fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) on power lines one of the most common methods is the use of optical fibers (S) embedded in the lightning cable. Power lines with voltage of 35 kV and above protect the conductive wires from lightning strikes with the help of stretched at the top along the air power lines. OK testing for tracking resistance was carried out in accordance with GOST 27473-87 (IEC 112-79) “Electrically insulating solid materials”. The method of determining the comparative and benchmark indices of tracking resistance in a wet environment”. The tests were carried out under the following environmental conditions: temperature— 20÷22°С, humidity — 47÷71%, atmospheric pressure— 99,6÷101,9kPa. OKtest for the effect of EOL vibration was carried out on the stand. A cable sample with a length of 138 m was mounted on a stand, which is an anchor two-span section with a length of 30 m. The length of the active span was 20 m.

optical cable (OK), optical fiber (OB), tensile stress, elongation, growth attenuation, tracking resistance, aeolian vibration, zonal communication

Kachanovskaya L.I., Kasatkin S.P. (Scientific Research Laboratory of electrical grid construction, LLC “POEnergozhelezobetoninvest”)


Abstract. The paper develops the topic of using high-strength steels for overhead line poles. The conceptual design of square pipe structures was fulfilled for the first time in Russia. The increased stiffness of such structures under compression was registered. It can significantly facilitate overhead lines poles, traditionally made of angle section. The erection of such poles on 110-500 kV overhead lines will reduce construction costs by 1.2-1.5 times. The use of weathering steels will lead to an additional cost reduction during the construction and operation.

lattice poles of overhead lines, high-strength steels, weathering steel, square section, strutted systems


Dmitriev M.V. (St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)


In recent years, the laying of 6-500 kV cable lines in polymer pipes has become widespread. This solution allows to minimize the amount of excavation, to cross various communications and barriers, to provide mechanical protection of cables. However, as experience has shown, polymer pipes have a significant drawback– they prevent to identify the presence of defects in the outer sheath of cables and determine the exact location of these defects along the line route.

cable line, cable laying in pipe, cross-linked polyethylene, cable outer sheath, sheath testing, sheath defect detection


Ivakin V.N., Kovalev V.D., Magnitskiy A.A. (OJSHС “ELEKTROZAVOD”, Moscow)


Abstract. The characteristics of controlled shunt reactors developed and manufactured by OJSHС “ELEKTROZAVOD” are given. The design features and advantages are described. Test results are given. Options of controlled shunt reactors application when creating reactive power sources are considered.

controlled shunt reactors, technical characteristics, advantages, tests, reactive power sources

Abdurakhmanov A.M. (“UNECO”, JSC, Moscow), Glushkin S.V., Shuntov A.V. (NRU “MPEI”, Moscow)


The reliability parameters (failure rate and mean recovery time) of 6-10 kV low-oil-content and vacuum circuit breakers mounted at 35-220/6-10 kV supply centers of one of the largest power systems in the country were statistically analyzed. The structure of failures for various circuit breakers is given. The circuit breakers’ reliability characteristics are obtained. These characteristics are necessary for substantiating and selecting schemes and parameters of medium voltage electrical networks.

reliability parameters, vacuum circuit breaker, low-oil-content circuit breaker, failure rate, circuit breaker cell


Klimova T.G., Smirnov V.S. (NRU “MPEI”, Moscow)


Power transformers of various designs are one of the most important and expensive elements of the power system. An unexpected failure of a power transformer can result in significant repair costs and financial losses due to an unplanned outage.

Keywords: transformer, fault, turn fault, model, resistance


Vysogorets S.P., Tadzhibayev A.I. (FGAOU DPO “PEIPK”, St. Petersburg)


Quality management of transformer oil, as an insulating system, is an important part for controlling the reliability of an oil-filled transformer during its operation. The completion time of induction period of oxidation and early stages of autoxidation are determined as the most effective periods of impact on transformer oil oxidation process. A method for estimating service life of oil based on State Standard 981-75 is proposed. Necessity for developing a system of the second level indicators is shown. These indicators clarify technical condition of the transformer and allow engineers to determine the optimal amount of maintenance and repair work.

insulation system, transformer oil, method, reliability, diagnosis









Davidenko I.V., (Yeltsin UrFU, Ekaterinburg), Bragin A.A., Vladimirova M.N. (JSC “Tyumenenergo”)


The paper considers the development history of criteria for assessing the technical condition of current transformers in Russia based on the results of dissolved gas analysis. Through dispersion analysis, the factors (design features, service life) having the greatest impact on gas generation in current transformer oil were identified. A system of criteria for evaluating dissolved gas in oil of 110-220 kV current transformers is given. The system is regulated by the new PJSC “Rosseti” standard– STO 34.01-23-003-2019 “Methodological guidelines for the technical diagnosis of developing defects in oil-filled high-voltage electrical equipment based on the results of dissolved gas analysis”. The criteria are calculated based on a representative array of dissolved gas analyzes accumulated in the database of an expert diagnostic system for 25 years of its operation. Algorithms for determining the frequency of dissolved gas analysis and necessary operations for maintenance or repairs of 110-220kV oil-filled current transformers are presented.

oil-filled transformer, insulation system, dispersion analysis, dissolved gas analysis (DGA), diagnosis


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Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical and Atomic Supervision





Rosseti Moscow Region & NRU “MPEI”




Energy institute of advanced training of JSC “Mosoblenergo”





According to the materials of the XXIX International scientific, technical and practical conference of TRAVEK International Association



Interview with GO15 Secretary General Alain P. Steven




According to 2018 CIGRE session