
All scientific articles submitted to the journal editorial office are subject of obligatory review. All reviewers are recognized experts in the field of submitted paper and have publications in this field for last three years. The reviews are kept in the journal editorial office for five years.

The authors of the manuscript have a right to recommend professional reviewers in the field of the article. The editorial committee reserves the right to choose reviewers.

Review time is determined separately for every article. However, the editorial staff tries to create conditions for the most expeditious publication of articles.

Based on the results of the manuscript review, the reviewer gives a reasoned decision. In accordance with the decision, several options are possible:

  • The article is recommended for publication without modification;
  • The article is recommended for publication after correcting the deficiencies noted by the reviewer;
  • The article have to be reviewed additionally by another specialist;
  • The article can not be published in the journal (rejected).

The procedure for informing the authors about the review results

After receiving a positive review, the editorial staff informs the authors about the acceptance of the article to the publication, indicating publication date. A review copy is sent to the author with the journal where the article has been published. In addition, review copy can be given upon the request of the expert councils in the Higher Attestation Commission.

When receiving a review with remarks, the editorial staff send to the author a review copy with a proposal to revise the article in accordance with the comments of the reviewer or to argue the remarks (partially or completely). After improving the article is sent to the editorial office for review again.

When a negative review is received, the editorial staff sends the author a review copy immediately after it was received from the reviewer.

If the author and reviewer have insoluble contradictions concerning the manuscript, the editorial staff reserves the right to send it for additional review. In the case of conflicts, the decision is made by the editorial committee.

Articles previously published in other periodicals are not accepted for consideration by the editorial committee. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and editorial office for 5 years at least.

Copies of reviews are directed to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon the request.

«ЭЛЕКТРОЭНЕРГИЯ. Передача и распределение»