KOMORSAN – Remote Digital Monitoring System for Overhead and Underground Cable Networks

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KOMORSAN – Remote Digital 
Monitoring System for Overhead 
and Underground Cable Networks

An aggregate data processing from the intelligent monitoring system sensors, which is based 

on heuristic algorithms, brings an opportunity to manage problems before accident occurs. 

The integrated systems of overhead lines and underground power cables outage monitoring 

and management provide a simple solution in terms of the power system reliability enhance-

ment and removing the problem of false operating and functional losses of separate diagnos-

tic devices. Implementing modern hardware-software systems that are using complex data

processing algorithms, deriving data from various diagnostic devices, is a vital component

of an effective decision-making.


oday the electric power industry is passing 
through fundamental transformation from cen-
tralized to decentralized model. There is an 
"energy transition" based on the concept of an 

active consumer – a new energy subject, which, in addi-
tion to the traditional function of energy consumption from 
external sources, also performs the function of energy 
accu mulation and generation. Power supply becomes an 
ecosystem of power generators and consumers, which 
are freely integrating in general infrastructure and energy 

New technologies of 


 exible network construction 

and its intelligent management form new principles for 
monitoring systems organization in order to provide the 
required reliability and quality characteristics and to im-
plement economically optimal use of own capacities in 
combination with the consumption of electricity from the 
existing power system. Creation of an effective moni-
toring system for power transmission lines and power 
facilities based only on hardware devices without using 
software-analytical complexes, which employ determin-
istic and probabilistic approaches, is impossible. 




While building a network of "Internet of Energy" model 
one of the most important moments becomes a control 
of new subjects inclusion in energy system and obtain-
ing the information about needs and power capacity 
supply. It is necessary to control the process real-time 
of electrical capacity income to the system, where three 
main points can be highlighted:
1)  network sections reliability evaluation;
2)  lines transmission capacity dynamic determination;
3) accurate measurement of amplitudes and voltage 

phases in the line for the energizing lines phase syn-
Renewable energy sources, which have stochastic 

nature of generation, while connecting to the system, can 

disrupt the optimality of active and reactive power 



This causes overloading of particular network sections 
and power losses increase. Small generation sources 
are low inertia sources, that why they have small mar-
gin of transient stability during abrupt mode change, for 
example, in case of short circuit on a line. In case of 
connection a large volume of generation to a network 
using renewable energy sources, voltage 


 uctuation and 

higher-order harmonics generation in the system are 


 ed. The cases of load shedding necessity at the 

moment of emerging disturbances appearance using 
particular switched on generating equipment, as well as 
capacity balancing while energy system operation, be-
come frequent because of the dif


 culties in RES power 

output prediction. 

In order to solve above mentioned problems of dis-

tributed generation and to identify potentially dangerous 
energy system section it is necessary to evaluate in real-
time conditions the system reliability and timely imple-
ment front-rank technologies. Network The KOMORSAN 
monitoring system provides predictive capabilities and 
the functionality of the optimal energy transmission path 
determination. Implementation of modern hardware-
software systems that are using complex data process-
ing algorithms, deriving data from various diagnostic de-
vices, allows you to meet all power system monitoring 
tasks. At the same time, such a complex should be able 
to process data using probabilistic methods for false 
data detection, provide predictive diagnostics and apply 
mechanisms of machine intelligence.



Undoubtedly, high-precision monitoring devices are one 
of the main parts of a modern hardware-software moni-
toring complex that ef


 ciently operates in the power grid 

"cellular" structure. Synchronized vector phase measure-
ments of currents and voltages in the network are required 
for power exchange analysis. Data synchronization in 
a single time scale allow you to operate with phasors in 


Director of ANTRAKS R&D, LLC




ead of marketing department ANTRAKS R&D, LLC


 Director of Trinity Engineering, LLC


+7 (495) 991-12-30,




 [email protected]



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order to analyze line state and technological electricity 
losses, as well as to apply traveling wave method for ac-
curate localization of fault location. The dynamic capacity 
factor control performed by intelligent sensors allows to 
signal the malfunction in reactive power compensation 
devices operation and is used for intelligent compensa-
tion devices adjustment, which is extremely important 
for line operating modes optimizing and its transmission 
capacitance increasing. Continuous monitoring of load 
currents symmetry also allows to identify undesirable 
modes of line operation and the trends of their develop-
ment. Fault indicators produced by ANTRAKS provide all 
above-mentioned functionality. 

Conductor slack sensors, sensors of frequency and 

amplitude of wire swinging, vibration parameters sen-
sors allow to provide predictive diagnostics of overhead 
lines mechanical damage for further repair. Wire icing 
sensors make it possible to timely remove the ice from 
a wire. Continuous monitoring performed by conductor 
temperature sensors together with current measurement 
provide evaluation of line load and its possible increasing 
in particular line section, that is necessary for network 


 guration optimization, retro


 tting planning, making 

a right choice of con


 guration in an emergency case. 

For real-time data synchronization from various de-

vices, reliable communication channels in the monitoring 
complex are required. At the moment, several channels 
are traditional for power equipment:
1) cellular networks GSM/3G/4G with low measure of 

reliability in case of overload or in dif


 cult  weather 


2)   WiFi/WiMax coverage, as a rule, signi


 cantly territori-

ally limited;

3) communication using PLS and LoRa, which has 

a speed limit.
A number of power equipment transfers data ac-

cording self-organizing network (Mesh) technology, with 
data transfer from one device to another. The perma-
nent availability of three or more Mesh network nodes 
for each diagnostic device installed on the power line 
provides channel reservation. This allows to effectively 
solve the task of load balancing. Data trans mission via 
Mesh-RF, Mesh-PLC communication channels which 
provide ease recon


 guration, high speed and reliability 

is the best solution in terms of data transfer in moni-
toring system of the distribution network with "cellular" 




Successful operation of the monitor-
ing system in a grid with a "cellular" 
structure implies a simple integration 
of data from various devices. For such 
data integration ANTRAKS company 
apply different types of communica-
tion modules. The network state ana-
lysis is based on the algorithm of real 
measurements results and archive 
events processing. The monitoring 
system should be able to provide real 
time processing a network structure, 
which is a weighted graph, and take 

into account possible negative values (in case of low level 
of reliability) for the edges of this graph. 

In order to provide stable and trouble-free monitoring 

system operation, the algorithms of data processing must 
solve the problem of false tripping or individual diagnos-
tic devices failure. Construction of graphical probabilistic 
model based on Bayesian network makes it possible to 
minimize false decision-making while fault location de-

The use of modern technologies of machine learning 

and neural networks allows to make it by processing the 
received information. And also is is possible to rank the 
network sections for reliability and maximum ef



for a consumer comparing it with the existing experience 
of the network operating. 

The monitoring system KOMORSAN, using standard 

communication protocols, is able to interact with an expert 
system that calculates the loads balance and con



the network, depending on the active user needs. Due to 
special algorithms of current surges and transient process-
es analyzing, the monitoring system can form prognostic 
precautions, detecting the power equipment damage be-
ginning and emergency situation probability increasing. 

The monitoring system KOMORSAN is user-friendly 

and includes a geographical information system that pro-
vides a graphical visualization of power facilities on a map 
and the devices data output, along with their exact coor-
dinates. Geographical data storage is implemented in the 
form of separate thematic layers with possibility of com-
bining them: geographical map, network mimic diagram 
and power map. The storage of qualitative and quantita-
tive characteristics of facilities is realized as a database 
with on-line data transmission. Addition of new devices 
to the system, as well as full information from diagnostic 
devices is available in a user-friendly form, according the 
"plug and con


 g" ideology. 

The monitoring system KOMORSAN is easily con



ured with possibility to assign users permissions and rights. 
The monitoring system usage protects the power system 
and provides its maximum ef


 ciency for the active user. 


Such systems provide an opportunity of technological and 
economical energy supply reliability and quality enhance-
ment, create new possibilities for consumers of choice of 
necessary power supply conditions and are effective for 
network integration and micro-grid management. 



KOMORSAN – digital monitoring system

47th CIGRE Session 

Special issue, August 2018

Оригинал статьи: KOMORSAN – Remote Digital Monitoring System for Overhead and Underground Cable Networks

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An aggregate data processing from the intelligent monitoring system sensors, which is based on heuristic algorithms, brings an opportunity to manage problems before accident occurs. The integrated systems of overhead lines and underground power cables outage monitoring and management provide a simple solution in terms of the power system reliability enhancement and removing the problem of false operating and functional losses of separate diagnostic devices. Implementing modern hardware-software systems that are using complex data processing algorithms, deriving data from various diagnostic devices, is a vital component of an effective decision-making.


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