Diagnostics and Analysis Tools

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n accordance with these requirements and with 
the use of modern information technologies, CJSC 
“Intera” has developed an oil-


 lled  equipment 

monitoring system, intended for online transformer 

diagnostics. At present, Russian market offers several 



 ed systems of the kind, which differ in hardware 

and software, though they must be capable of performing 
the task anyway. The monitoring and control system 
(MCS) developed by CJSC “Intera” has the advantage 
over similar products not only due to its user-friendly 

Diagnostics and Analysis Tools 

Information Add-In of the Transformer Monitoring System. 

Solution and Experience

The technical policy of JSC “Russian Grids” (Rosseti) on development of digital 
substations without permanent operating personnel, improvement of reliability and 
operation ef


 ciency of power grid facilities impose strict requirements on all substation 

automation components and products.

Andrey LAPTEV (




), Director General,






 Deputy Head of Development Department, CJSC “Intera”

Fig. 1. Data 


 ow diagram


MCS equipment at 

substations, local 





Department of 


Remote users

Central server

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August 25–29, France, Paris

Real Time Monitoring

interface for data submission to 
users with different access levels 
and uni


 ed data exchange with the 

upper level (Process Control System), 
which enables more ef


 cient  online 

transformer diagnostics. The system 
provides diagnosticians with wide 
opportunities of ongoing monitoring 
and further analysis and gives 
material for research to scientists and 

The present article examines logic 

and architecture of the data constituent 
of the monitoring system exempli



by MCS developed by CJSC “Intera”. 
Initially the decision was made 
to implement WEB-technologies. 
The main idea is to enable online 
equipment monitoring for substation 
personnel and superior bodies, as well 
as accumulation of historical data 
for further diagnostics, analysis and 
planning of transformer equipment 
maintenance, repairs and updating 

The system does not require any 

special software, it operates in any internet-browser 
(Fig. 1).

Transformer equipment data are collected, processed 

and stored in the non-volatile memory controller. Archive 
formation intelligence and its size enable storing historical 
data with high time precision (up to 5 ms) during the whole 
service life of the monitored transformer equipment. 
Based on commissioning experience, one can conclude 
that historical data in the controller will be rewritten in 
about 30 years (stack size).

At the same time, the data are constantly 

communicated to the local server, where they are stored 
in SQL database. When there is a good Internet access 
channel, the controller data are sent to a specialized 
central server, independently from data communication 
to the local server. Data on the central server are updated 
in real-time mode, with a delay depending on the internet 
connection speed. Data on the central server are also 
stored in SQL databases and can be accessed remotely 
by means of the password. Access to the databases and 
the data is separated by objects, access levels, etc. and is 
based on individual passwords. This technology enables 
data communication to the central server in case the 
monitoring system is integrated with the process control 
system, without using the local server.

Should there be no proper internet access connection, 

only data about the state of MCS hardware and software 
suite are communicated to the central server over GPRS-
channel. Data about the state of the monitored transformer 
equipment on the central server are not updated and are 
only accessible on substation local servers (Fig. 2).

If required, MCS can send warning and alarm messages 

about the state of equipment to the given cellphone number 
within access rights.

Such MCS architecture makes it possible to solve 

several tasks at once:
•  to enable substation personnel’s operations with 

current and archive data;

•   to provide remote access to data of monitoring to 

personnel of enterprises of backbone electric grids 
(PMES), backbone electric grids (MES) or the 
customer’s central of



•   to upload suitable software for automated diagnostics 

of oil-


 lled equipment on the central server;

•  to further increase the extent of monitoring of 

substation objects starting from oil-


 lled  equipment 

up to all the other equipment subject to monitoring 
(circuit-breakers, disconnectors, surge arresters, etc.);


 to connect monitoring systems of different 

manufacturers to the central database, with inclusion 
of the requirement about mandatory presence of a right 

•   as a result, developers of transformers and reactors, 

scientists and designers can theoretically have vast 
actual material to analyze equipment operation during 
the period of many years in different operation modes. 
From the very beginning we rejected graphic 

presentation of monitored objects, staking at Windows 
standard features. This made it possible to standardize all 
screen forms, simplify and accelerate the development and 
integration process, reduce the volume of data transmitted 
over communications channels. Development of a project 

Fig. 2. Example of a screen form

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[email protected],   www.eepr.ru

consists in 


 lling in of a transformer or reactor data sheet, 

with speci


 cation of all types of sensors interrogated by 

the system. The sensor and tool database includes all 
devices the company has ever used.

Should there appear a new type of sensors or tools, 

their data and, if required, respective drivers are entered 
into the system. Afterwards, the new equipment appears 
in the database and can be included in the data sheet of the 
monitored object.

Screen forms of substation personnel are generated 

by MCS automatically and become available both on 
the local and remote servers. Users can create their own 
templates to monitor the parameters they are mostly 
interested in. These templates are created for each unit of 
equipment (tank) in the number of up to 10 and contain 
up to 6 parameters each. For example, there is a task of 
monitoring load-dependent transformer gas-oil ratio 
trends. A template is created, with the required parameters 
selected out of the repository, and displaying this template 
will show time-synchronized variations of the speci



parameters for the given time interval (Fig. 3).

The trends can be viewed either in graphic or table 

forms and uploaded as report 


 les in Excel tables.

Access to the data is organized hierarchically and is 

based on the password, which enables viewing information 
only about objects of a particular customer, MES, PMES 
or a particular substation.

The system architecture itself provides for multiple data 

back-up. The latest data are stored in controller memory 
and communicated to the local server. If the server fails 
or is de-energized, after its replacement the lost data 

Fig. 3. Example of a graphic template

will be automatically restored 
upon switching on. If there is a 
communication channel, the data 
will be also sent to the central 
server and stored there.

This year the commission 

of JSC “Russian Grids” has 
extended the certi


 cation validity 

period of MCS developed by 
CJSC “Intera” till 2019. We 
noted signi


 cant  toughening 

of requirements to quality of 
the products recommended 
for use at power facilities. 
Special attention is now paid to 
metrology issues. This testi



to the fact that monitoring of 
basic equipment has become an 
important and integral part of 
substation equipment monitoring 
and control, which means that 
its results and the potential of 
monitoring systems should be 
utilized to the maximum extent.

The described service, 

being a part of MCS, was 

developed as early as 2006 and has been constantly 
improved since. At present, there are data about more than 
200 units of equipment with MCS on the onlinepower 
server. Unfortunately, about 


 ve years ago, despite wide 

implementation of this service by diagnosticians, access to 
MCS communications channels on facilities of JSC “FGC 
UES” was blocked. This was explained by requirements to 
substation equipment operation security. We consider these 
explanations unsubstantiated as MCS architecture does not 
allow remote users to access local servers. However, we 
were unable to persuade the customer’s executives thereof. 
Despite it, judging by publications and reports made at 
conferences and seminars, operating personnel’s interest 
to such a system has not only stayed the same, but even 
increased. Should the customer express an interest, we are 
ready to connect monitored objects and enable operation of 
the service for its intended purpose anytime.

During many years of operation of monitoring 

systems produced by CJSC “Intera” a large amount 
of technological data has been accumulated on local 
servers. All capabilities that enable accessing historical 
and current data by any user with access to the substation 
local network have already been implemented in MCS. 
Substation operating personnel makes an active use of 
MCS functionality and accumulated retrospective data for 
preparing reports submitted to the upper level and long-
term analysis of equipment operation.

Those wishing to get more information about 

onlinepower.ru can address the of


 ce of CJSC “Intera” 

[email protected], of



[email protected], and we will gladly 

demonstrate the system in operation.

Оригинал статьи: Diagnostics and Analysis Tools

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The technical policy of JSC “Russian Grids” (Rosseti) on development of digital substations without permanent operating personnel, improvement of reliability and operation effi ciency of power grid facilities impose strict requirements on all substation automation components and products.


«ЭЛЕКТРОЭНЕРГИЯ. Передача и распределение» № 2(83), март-апрель 2024

Анализ нагрузочных режимов и регулировочной способности по напряжению распредсети при оптимизации секционирования на ее участках

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